A Lifetime Experience in the Brdy Mountains

Ahoj, Jsem Boom a  jsem z Thajska, těší Mě! And...

 I'm here as an exchange student. Before I came here, I remember I was planning to accept every opportunity I would have, to say yes and go with the option I’ve chosen.

A month later, when I had already been at your school for a week, an email written in Czech was sent to me and all the other students. I translated it as follows: "There will be an event in the Brdy mountains, in which you could join. We’ll be riding a bike for 40 km (there and back) from Rokycany"'. I was surprised by that, I had never ridden a mountain bike before, and the last time I rode a bike was at least 4 months ago!

However, I accepted the challenge and joined the trip. There were only six of us. The day we biked was pretty rainy and cold. It was around 6 ℃ at the time when we set off for the event. I found it difficult to exist, as the common temperature in Thailand is usually not less than 25 ℃. In fact, it’s very rare to have temperature below 25 ℃. My hands were completely freezing, cold as ice, but my body was still warm, so I could survive.

However, the event was really nice, the organisers of "Brdské stromosázení" provided us with fireplaces and tents. I thought it looked like it was during mediaeval times. We had a memorable moment planting trees, and when we finished, we rode our bicycles down the hill, which was pretty nice compared to the time we rode up in coldness, rain, and on the cobblestone roads.

The whole activity took us around 6 hours. But they were the most worth-it 6 hours. I’ve got the once in a lifetime experience that I would never get if I didn’t say "Yes". Still, I look forward to saying "Yes/Ano/Jo" to every new opportunity again. :-)

Gymnázium a SOŠ Rokycany

Mládežníků 1115/II, 337 01 Rokycany
+420 371 725 363



Hlavní kontakty

Mládežníků 1115, 337 01 Rokycany
Střední odborná škola:
Svazu bojovníků za svobodu 112/I
337 01 Rokycany
sekretariát SOŠ: +420 371 722 237


ID datové schránky: 8m6evus
RNDr. Pavel Vlach, Ph.D.
+420 603 431 027
